
Company Earnings Calendar

Integral to Quarterly Reports are key accounting and financial data, gross revenue, net profit, operational expenses, and cash flow. Companies that issue publicly-traded shares are required by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to file Form 10-K yearly and Form 10-Q every quarter within the period of 60 days of the end of applicable period. […]

Start Forex Trading

How to Start Forex Trading What this article aims to do is teach someone who may still be starting with his or her career in trading to be efficient and watchful with the practice. This delineates the best trading measures for beginners. The tips within this feature are not limited to novice traders—even the most […]

What is Forex?

The operational principle of the market is quite simple. Forex is a global virtual space for trades. Market participants are national and commercial banks, insurance companies, investment funds, brokerage firms and private investors acting as sellers or buyers of various currencies. Trading in the market continues 7 days a week 24 hours a day, excluding […]

Forex Economic Calendar

The Forex Economic Calendar and how to use it effectively The calendar provides economic information, covering events that include GDP, the consumer price index, and the Non-Farm Payroll report. Knowing how to interpret the news from the economic calendar effectively is important to maximize your trading potential prior and after important events. Reading every piece […]

Exchange Rate Definition

Exchange rate – is a value of one currency in comparison to another chosen currency. In short, exchange rate represents roughly how many units of one money type have the same worth as one unit of another money type. For instance, let’s say you want to exchange 1 American dollar for some amount of Indian […]

Volatility Definition and Meaning

Volatility – is a quality of markets that implies frequent and wide value swings both on certain assets or the market as a whole. The more volatile the market is the less predictable and stable the price movements will be. Consequently, volatility increases the risks associated with investing. All markets are volatile – it is […]

Volatility Index (VIX) Definition

Volatility Index, or VIX – is a wide-spread indicator that helps predict and anticipate the oncoming rises in volatility. It’s a forward-looking index, meaning it uses the available data to predict the financial issues in the future, in this case – in the span of 30 days. VIX is a product of Chicago Board Option […]

Market Capitalization Stock

What is Market Capitalization Stock Market capitalization – is a metric used to estimate the total value of all outstanding (issued) shares of one company or another. It’s not the most precise method of evaluating what a company is worth, but it’s one of the most used. At the very least, it gives a general […]

Volume Weighted Average Price Definition

Pattern Day Trader Volume weighted average price (VWAP) – is an index designed to show an average price an asset had during some period. The default span of time is a day, but this benchmark is usually described as an ‘intraday’ index, which means that it can be used for any period of time below […]

Buying On Margin Definition

Pattern Day Trader Margin – is the sum of money that an investor borrows from their broker. This money is usually collateralized in some way by the assets and can only be used for investing and trading. That’s exactly what margin’s used for. Buying on margin, therefore – is a practice of investing into assets […]

Pattern Day Trader Definition and Rule

Pattern Day Trader Pattern day traders – is a special caste and a regulated category of investors who buy large quantities of stock on margin. A regular day trader is characterized by large and frequent intraday investments, as well as risky strategies that capitalize on price changes inside one day. A pattern day trader uses […]

Market Risk Definition

Market Risk  Market risk is a phenomenon representing potential expenses on some market due to some factors outside of trader’s control. These can be either global issues that affect markets world-wide, or the problems on micro-level that only affect one particular market. The former type of market risk is known as ‘systematic risk’, while the […]

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